Video: Dr. Herbert Benson on Meditation

9 years ago

Dr. Herbert Benson from Harvard Medical School conducts an experiment with monk heating up their body temperature during meditation.  

Better marketing with mindful meditation

9 years ago

Let’s get this out into the open: I bite my nails. Or at least I did. (Kinda gross, right?) But…

Video: Paul on WBZ Nov 2015

9 years ago

Paul brought his client Julie, with him so she could share her unique experience with hypnosis.

Stress: a state of mind

9 years ago

Everyone talks about being stressed, overwhelmed and anxious. The pharmaceutical and alcohol industries pray that you stay way. We know…

Video: Hypnotherapy for IBS relief

9 years ago

 Hypnotherapy is the #1 option for lasting IBS symptom relief. [info]  

Emetophobia relief

9 years ago

My first emetophobia (fear of vomiting) client, Amanda, was in 2010. She was a young mother of an infant child…

Video: Gastric band adjustment

10 years ago

 This video shows how easily gastric bands are adjusted. [info]

Video: Meditation explained

10 years ago

Great video highlighting meditation.

Positive thinking improves health

10 years ago

Sometimes it can be hard to look on the bright side of life -- and those are the times when…