When life happens, sticking to healthy decisions about food and exercise gets much harder. “Treating” yourself with food could derail…
By sugar, we mean white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, corn sugar, sucrose or whatever different names it is called.…
Research validates that hypnosis makes it much easier to live a substance-free life. It makes sense because hypnosis gives you…
Those of us in the field of hypnosis are always working to validate its benefits. This 1993 study not only…
Mary had been battling IBS for years and was surprised by the comforting effects of hypnosis. [info]
1. Daily Food Diary Women who were more consistent with keeping a food journal lost about 6 more pounds. If…
It’s not a matter of whether you can be hypnotized, but whether you’ll allow yourself to be helped to enter…
Paul specializes in helping people live a substance free life. [info]
1) All hypnosis is the same: Hypnosis is all about rapport, listening to the clients concerns and explaining the process…
Get things done: Many spend so much time focused on what needs to be done, nothing is accomplished. Hypnosis not…