Study reports: Hypnosis for depression

6 years ago

If you are feeling depressed, you may want to consider working with a professional who offers hypnosis, according to a…

Study says hypnosis could tackle painkiller crisis

6 years ago

Hypnosis can reduce pain by up to 42% and may offer a genuine alternative to painkillers, according to UK researchers.…

Hypnosis: grounded in science

6 years ago

Last summer, at age 14, Sue Jones suffered from stabbing pains in her abdomen that got so intense, "I couldn't…

Hypnobirthing: Calmer natural childbirth

6 years ago

When Anna Wall realized she was in labor with her son Luke, the 29-year-old first-time mom in Austin, Texas focused…

Nearly everyone is hypnotizable

6 years ago

For 18 years I have heard how some people are not hypnotizable or that hypnosis just doesn’t work. This has…

US NEWS: Can hypnosis help you lose weight?

6 years ago

Melissa Cipriana had no explanation left for why she couldn't lose weight. She avoided processed foods, “white” carbohydrates and soda.…

Alternative for chronic pain and opioid addiction

6 years ago

As lawmakers debate on bills that could impact the opioid crisis in Tennessee, people have been looking for alternative treatments…

NY Times: Is hypnosis all in your head? Brain scans suggest otherwise

6 years ago

Hypnosis has become a common medical tool, used to reduce pain, help people stop smoking and cure them of phobias.…

Research uncovers science of hypnosis

6 years ago

Some argue that hypnosis is just a trick. Others, however, see it as bordering on the paranormal – mysteriously transforming…

Video: Learning self-hypnosis

6 years ago

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