Hypnotherapy can help manage IBS symptoms

6 years ago

Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic condition that affects many people across the world. Due to symptoms such as abdominal…

Video: Jordan discovers hypnotic relaxation

6 years ago

 Jordan overcame life-long anxiety with hypnotherapy. [info]

5 ways mindfulness is good for your health

6 years ago

According to thousands of years of tradition, Buddhists meditate to understand themselves and their connections to all beings. By doing…

Video: Paul on WCVB’s Chronicle

6 years ago

  Paul is featured on WCVB's Chronicle with Shayna Seymour.

Study reports: Hypnosis for depression

6 years ago

If you are feeling depressed, you may want to consider working with a professional who offers hypnosis, according to a…

Study says hypnosis could tackle painkiller crisis

6 years ago

Hypnosis can reduce pain by up to 42% and may offer a genuine alternative to painkillers, according to UK researchers.…

Hypnosis: grounded in science

6 years ago

Last summer, at age 14, Sue Jones suffered from stabbing pains in her abdomen that got so intense, "I couldn't…

Hypnobirthing: Calmer natural childbirth

6 years ago

When Anna Wall realized she was in labor with her son Luke, the 29-year-old first-time mom in Austin, Texas focused…

Nearly everyone is hypnotizable

6 years ago

For 18 years I have heard how some people are not hypnotizable or that hypnosis just doesn’t work. This has…

US NEWS: Can hypnosis help you lose weight?

6 years ago

Melissa Cipriana had no explanation left for why she couldn't lose weight. She avoided processed foods, “white” carbohydrates and soda.…