Habits: How they form and how to break them

11 years ago

Think about something it took you a really long time to learn, like how to parallel park. At first, parallel…

NY Times: This is Your Brain Under Hypnosis

11 years ago

Hypnosis, with its long and checkered history in medicine and entertainment, is receiving some new respect from neuroscientists. Recent brain…

Video: Food we were born to eat

11 years ago

John McDougall MD says starch-based diets are the foods we were born to eat.

Video: Paul on WBZ radio

11 years ago

Paul on WBZ radio  

Hypnosis offers alcohol relief

11 years ago

I do a lot of work with individuals having difficulty with alcohol.  There’s a common thread with these people; they…

Depression vs. sadness

11 years ago

There is clinical depression which requires medical intervention and often times long-term medication management.  There are many people who wrestle…

Why are so many people fat?

11 years ago

Do you know anyone who permanently fixed a weight problem with a diet? It’s never happened. Why are there dozens…

Sharon quit drinking with hypnosis

11 years ago

Sharon was a 38 year old woman who came to me for alcohol abuse. She got married a few years…

Video: Passing Nursging Exam [full episode]

11 years ago

Analese failed her nursing state board exam 3 times. She was desperate and didn't know what else to do. She…

Stress client’s first office visit

11 years ago

I recently had a 32 yr old client, Bob who struggles to find a comfortable life path. His parents divorced…