Video: Karen Pischke RN on hypnosis

13 years ago

Karen Pischke RN runs Dreamtime Wellness in Gloucester, MA.        

Dangers of gastric band surgery

13 years ago

A gastric band, also called a lap band, is an inflatable silicone band surgically inserted around the top section of…

CNN: Man refuses surgery and drops 270 pounds

13 years ago

Moncks Corner, South Carolina (CNN) -- Bryan Ganey slowly climbed out of his parents' car. Michael and Martha Ganey had…

Hypnosis in the hospital

13 years ago

Prior to becoming a Consulting Hypnotist I was a Registered Nurse and had the good fortune of working at the…

Altered States: hypnosis in mainstream medicine

13 years ago

Hypnosis, often misunderstood and almost always controversial, is increasingly being employed in mainstream medicine. Numerous scientific studies have emerged in…

My first hypnosis experience

13 years ago

In 1990 I was in college and had to make a presentation. Public speaking had always paralyzed me with fear…

Research: Hypnosis for compulsive hair pulling

13 years ago

Trichotillomania, more commonly known as hair pulling, is classified as an impulse control disturbance. The condition generally begins in childhood…

Research on Hypnosis for Exam Anxiety

13 years ago  

e-Cigarettes not so hot

13 years ago

Electronic cigarettes (also known as e-cigarettes) are battery-operated devices that often are designed to look, feel, and taste like tobacco…

Research: 95% Ex-smokers swear by hypnosis

13 years ago

Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2004 Jan;52(1):73-81. Thirty smokers enrolled in an HMO were referred by their primary physician for…