Recent posts
Video: Paul on WBZ Nov 2015
Paul brought his client Julie, with him so she could share her unique experience with hypnosis.
Stress: a state of mind
Everyone talks about being stressed, overwhelmed and anxious. The pharmaceutical and alcohol industries pray that you stay way. We know that unrelenting stress can lead to physical and emotional problems such as hypertension, ulcers, migraines and depression. But what...
Video: Hypnotherapy for IBS relief
Hypnotherapy is the #1 option for lasting IBS symptom relief. [info]
Emetophobia relief
My first emetophobia (fear of vomiting) client, Amanda, was in 2010. She was a young mother of an infant child and had been experiencing the fear of vomiting for many years. After finally confiding with her primary physician, she was referred for hypnotherapy. Amanda...
Video: Gastric band adjustment
This video shows how easily gastric bands are adjusted. [info]
Video: Meditation explained
Great video highlighting meditation.
Video: Athletic edge with hypnosis
Positive thinking improves health
Sometimes it can be hard to look on the bright side of life -- and those are the times when it might be most important to do so. A recent research paper published online in September 2013 in a journal of the American Heart Association shows that even for people...
Video: Paul on WBZ Radio June 2015
Paul and his client Joyce talk pain relief hypnosis with Dan Rea on WBZ radio. [info]
Video: Joyce’s pain relief
Joyce struggled with post-cancer treatment pain. [info]