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Mayo Clinic: hypnosis & health
Hypnosis, also referred to as hypnotherapy or hypnotic suggestion, is a trance-like state in which you have heightened focus, concentration and inner absorption. When you're under hypnosis, you usually feel calm and relaxed, and you can concentrate intensely on a...
Research: Stress types and resulting damage
Stress can be defined as any type of change that causes physical, emotional or psychological strain. However, not all types of stress are harmful or even negative. There are a few different types of stress that we encounter: Eustress, a type of stress that is fun...
Stress – obesity connection
Chronic stress has powerful effects on the body's production and storage of fat. High levels of cortisol induced by stress can lead to increase in body fat and obesity. This adds to all the other ways that stress promotes obesity. There are various ways stress can...
Medical hypnosis helps patients with surgery and illnesses
( When you think of hypnotherapy you might imagine a swinging pendulum and a spooky trance. But hypnotherapy has been gaining popularity for problems like smoking cessation, anxiety and weight loss. Now some scientific evidence shows hypnosis can help...
Restrict calories- take 20 yrs off the age of your heart
Nutrition scientists have been closely following the health modifying and life extension benefits of calorie restriction (CR) for decades, as reducing caloric intake by 25 to 40 percent each day is shown to dramatically improve quality of life and add years to...
Sports hypnosis hits the mainstream
2008 Beijing Olympics: The only 2 shooters who won Gold Medals for the U.S.worked with a hypnotist and a hypnotist cured 1984: Time magazine reported that Mary Lou Retton used hypnosis to prepare for the L.A. Olympics and to block pain in her injured foot to win the...
Tiger Woods and hypnosis
Serious athletes are often determined to find anything that will give them an edge over their competition, as well as help them perform optimally. Hypnosis and imagery have been utilized by many such athletes to improve their game. While some regard hypnosis as some...
5 best natural antibiotics and anti-virals
In nature's infinite wisdom, several other highly effective substances exist with antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties, all able to protect the human body safely and with deep healing powers. You don't have to go much farther than the refrigerator or...
Research: meditation repairs what aspartame destroys
Research has shown that with as few as 11 hours of mindful meditation, the white matter of the brain that aspartame destroys, can begin to grow back. Research into the brain damage that aspartame causes, has revealed lesions to the nerve fibers known as white matter....
What does hypnosis feel like?
The experience of hypnosis not only varies from person to person but even for each individual from session to session. It is as a unique combination of deep physical relaxation and heightened awareness. Many describe the soothing weight of relaxation in their arms or...