Impulsive actions are the byproduct of repetition. Like athletes training their bodies, we also train our minds to create an automatic impulsive sensibility to how we navigate through life. Musicians, students, artists, and actors are also examples of individuals benefiting from repetition.
However, if bad habits are repeated long enough, they can also become impulsively automatic. Smokers frequently light and smoke whole cigarettes without realizing. Some people consume whole meals without noticing a single bite.
A steady accumulation of unhealthy, impulsive choices and actions can add up to big problems. What makes it even more frustrating is that everyone knows what they should do, or what they would prefer to do, but it doesn’t matter. Once the pattern of action or thought is repeated enough it becomes impulsively rooted in place.
The great thing about hypnosis is how easily it frees impulsive patterns, while establishing a mindful shift to preferred alternatives. Clients effortlessly become carefully aware of everything they do. Smokers think long and hard before lighting up. They consider the foul taste, the expense and potential for physical harm; for those who continue smoking after hypnosis, they usually don’t do so for long.
Hypnosis harnesses the unwanted, unhealthy and unproductive impulsive thoughts and actions. It helps individuals to keep their eye on the prize, no matter what their goal might be. In fact, most of my clients experience unexpected freedom, clarity and relief in areas unrelated to what prompted them to pursue hypnosis in the first place.
By: Paul Gustafson RN CH