Hypnosis boosts exam scores

Hypnosis boosts exam scores

Exam stress can be overwhelming.  The reason I decided to focus on this problem in my hypnosis practice is because of my own past difficulty with exam anxiety when I was in college.  My classmates were surprised at my test scores because they new how hard I studied.  I wish I knew then what I knew now.

Once the cycle of stress and worry is established it takes on a life of its own.  It doesn’t matter what you consciously know, once problem patterns become rooted in the subconscious mind it is very difficult to find relief.  This is why hypnosis is such an effective tool that cuts the cycle of worry and shifts expectation to success.

During my three session exam success program clients are trained to access powerfully deep levels of hypnotic relaxation, and are then guided to envision confidence success.  Their homework assignment is to listen to sessions daily, training the inner mind to expect what they imagine.

Most clients arrive on their initial office visit with no previous hypnosis experience.  Their only knowledge about hypnosis is usually the stage or entertainment variety.  In spite of this, most feel a profound disconnect from their worries after the first visit.  With repetition, they build a foundation of freedom and relief that lasts.

Another part of my program involves teaching clients how to do self-hypnosis.  This technique is especially helpful for students because they can do during the exam to remain focused and confidently calm.

By: Paul Gustafson RN CH

Hypnosis tames tinnitus

One of the more unique applications of hypnosis is helping individuals deal with the annoyance of tinnitus (ringing ears). I became interested in this type of hypnosis because of my own struggle with tinnitus, and how there is no effective medical treatment available.

Harnessing the creative imagination with hypnosis opens up all sorts of relief possibilities. My clients are guided during hypnosis to imagine control dials regulating the pitch and volume of the sound.
They are also asked to consider situations such as the sound of a neighbor’s lawnmower on a summer day.

They can obviously hear it clearly if they choose, but if they are engrossed in a good book at the same time, the lawnmower sound completely disappears.

Even though tinnitus is quite real, caused neurologically, or by illness or trauma, how we choose to perceive it plays a big role in how it effects are daily lives. Hypnosis is a great tool that makes this possible.

By: Paul Gustafson RN CH

Hypnosis harnesses impulsivity

Impulsive actions are the byproduct of repetition. Like athletes training their bodies, we also train our minds to create an automatic impulsive sensibility to how we navigate through life. Musicians, students, artists, and actors are also examples of individuals benefiting from repetition.

However, if bad habits are repeated long enough, they can also become impulsively automatic. Smokers frequently light and smoke whole cigarettes without realizing. Some people consume whole meals without noticing a single bite.

A steady accumulation of unhealthy, impulsive choices and actions can add up to big problems. What makes it even more frustrating is that everyone knows what they should do, or what they would prefer to do, but it doesn’t matter. Once the pattern of action or thought is repeated enough it becomes impulsively rooted in place.

The great thing about hypnosis is how easily it frees impulsive patterns, while establishing a mindful shift to preferred alternatives. Clients effortlessly become carefully aware of everything they do. Smokers think long and hard before lighting up. They consider the foul taste, the expense and potential for physical harm; for those who continue smoking after hypnosis, they usually don’t do so for long.

Hypnosis harnesses the unwanted, unhealthy and unproductive impulsive thoughts and actions.  It helps individuals to keep their eye on the prize, no matter what their goal might be. In fact, most of my clients experience unexpected freedom, clarity and relief in areas unrelated to what prompted them to pursue hypnosis in the first place.

By: Paul Gustafson RN CH

Virtual Gastric Band Session 4: Up the confidence

Session four supports enhanced confidence and eagerly seeking out healthy nutritional options. It helps clients become more aware of how they feel while eating so they can conclude mealtime when comfortable not full. It also suggests that mealtime be an uninterrupted endeavor; no texting, twitter, or television.

By: Paul Gustafson RN CH