Pre-surgical hypnosis saves hospitals significant money

Those of us in the field of hypnosis are always working to validate its benefits. This 1993 study not only proves the effectiveness of hypnosis in the surgical arena but also highlights the financial gain offered by this peaceful process.

In this study those who received pre-surgical hypnosis experienced more rapid return to normal gastro-intestinal function: 2.6 versus 4.1 days. Also the time to discharge from the hospital was faster: 6.5 versus 8.1 days.

This is the kicker; the hypnosis patients saved the hospital $1,200/patient. (Disbrow1993)

Studies like this support the fact that we are decades past the debate as to whether hypnosis is a legitimate modality supporting healthy change. The only debate that remains is whether it is right for the individual.

Hospital saves big money with pre-op hypnosis.

In one study an average savings of $1,200 per patient resulted from this simple 5-minute intervention of hypnosis before surgery. (Western Journal of Medicine. 1993) Those who are mentally prepared for surgery consistently have fewer complications, require fewer medications, and heal more quickly.
The reason pre-surgical hypnosis is so effective is because it offers direct access to our most powerful level of thought, the subconscious mind. This enables individuals to powerfully fine tune and prepare body and mind for surgery.
Paul Gustafson, R.N., C.H. is an ‘A List’ provider on Angie’s List. Check out his Gastric Band weight loss program. Also available as cd or download. Contact info: 888-290-3972 or