Hypnosis offers alcohol relief

I do a lot of work with individuals having difficulty with alcohol.  There’s a common thread with these people; they talk about once being able to drink socially; having control; and how drinking was never a problem.  After a few years, they realize that alcohol is running the show.

Most talk about how alcohol becomes ever present in their day-to-day lives, and how it’s beginning to affect the quality of their life.

One of the unique qualities of hypnosis is how it can become a healthier alternative to drinking.  In general the process of hypnosis is quite euphoric.  It creates a sense of cathartic relief and profound relaxation.  In sessions geared for excessive drinkers the euphoric factor is significantly increased.

My clients learn that hypnosis offers a more enjoyable, healthier high than alcohol.  So rather than trying to find the strength to push themselves away from drinking, they are presented with the opportunity to trade up to something better.

Clients make this important connection on the first office visit, and then they learn to take the same approach to the solution as they once used to create the problem, repetition.  By repeating the hypnosis process on a daily basis the mind and body make a powerful connection, and new patterns supporting lasting healthy relief are formed.

There’s nothing difficult about hypnosis at all. Even though most first visit clients have never experienced hypnosis before, the overwhelming majority do extremely well.  The euphoric soaked relaxation gets their attention right away, and most leave the office quite eager to repeat the session was they get home.

I see my alcohol clients for a series of four sessions. In between office visits they listen to sessions at home at least once a day.  Hypnosis creates a positive new thinking style.

It helps individuals reframe their life view.  Instead of always focusing on the problem, they are guided in hypnosis to envision freedom and relief.  Not only do they quickly become free of past burdens but with hypnosis they become excited about moving forward into a new healthier lifestyle.

By: Paul Gustafson RN CH

Depression vs. sadness

There is clinical depression which requires medical intervention and often times long-term medication management.  There are many people who wrestle with symptoms of depression which unfortunately are also routinely treated with medication.

I see individuals in my hypnosis practice who have been struggling for years or even decades with difficult situations, and overtime, they often experience chronic sadness, stress, insomnia, and depression-like symptoms.  Unfortunately the treatment of choice for these individuals is the same for those with clinical depression.

The wonderful benefit of hypnosis is that we have access to a profoundly deep level of thought. In deep-trance hypnosis individuals are guided to cathartically release past struggles, and to begin imagining solutions, strategies, and the success that they want to experience.

This forward thinking imagery is called future-pace technique and this is why it is so effective.  The subconscious does not know the difference between what is real or imagined.  So during hypnosis, the client is guided to envision how all their ultimate success will look and feel.

Clients receive a recording of the session for home reinforcement.  With the repetition, listening to sessions every day, the subconscious begins to establish inner changes supporting what it perceives as a new reality.

Whenever personal struggle the individual has endured that led to the chronic sadness is re-framed in a new light.  It’s amazing how quickly the one’s perspective can change as a result of such a deep mindful moment.  Problems once thought to be insurmountable are quickly seen more as temporary and manageable.

Regardless of the problems a client may carry into my office on their first visit, most feel surprisingly disconnected and free of the problem at the conclusion of the session.  Without repetition, that feeling of freedom is momentary.  By repeating the process daily for a couple of months the space between the new you and the old you continues to grow.

By: Paul Gustafson RN CH

Why are so many people fat?

Do you know anyone who permanently fixed a weight problem with a diet? It’s never happened. Why are there dozens of diets to choose from? If diets actually worked shouldn’t there only be a few to choose from? 85% of my hypnosis practice involves helping people with weight loss. People are finally realizing that dieting is a scam; it’s a temporary fix to a long-term problem.  

I know it’s hard to imagine but there was a time, before diets, gyms and fast food even existed. Back then the majority of the population was mostly fit, healthy and trim. People ate simple, real food and grocery stores were small and food was locally produced. It’s called a balanced, active healthy lifestyle, that’s the way life used to be for most people.

The world changed dramatically after World War II. Food became manufactured and chemically processed so it could be shipped globally. In the 1950’s junk-food dealers started peddling their wares on every corner and the television advertising bombardment began. We never stood a chance.

Just because it is sold in supermarkets doesn’t mean we should be eating it. The next time you notice an obese shopper at the check-out line see what’s in their cart, then glance at the person, then look at your cart. Many of my clients have been shocked to see the similarity in choices.

I don’t teach nutrition to my weight loss clients. During deep hypnosis they routinely hear a new mantra: less food-less weight; less sugar-salt and fat; less meat-dairy and more plants. They also learn that weight is not the problem but rather the symptom. The problem is the pattern of thought, how we think and what we most frequently think about.

Routine hypnosis pulls unwanted patterns out by the root and replaces them with preferred alternatives. It also harnesses the imagination so clients can envision what they are going to look and feel like in the future. Rather than focusing on the problem they routinely hang out with the anticipation of success. My clients listen to their sessions daily for 2 months and most of them do really well. In fact, many have appeared on my TV show to share their success stories. Hypnosis is fast, easy, and effective.

By: Paul Gustafson RN CH



Sharon quit drinking with hypnosis

Sharon was a 38 year old woman who came to me for alcohol abuse. She got married a few years ago and was trying to have a baby. After many years of being the ‘party girl’ she realized she had a drinking problem.

She had no previous hypnosis experience but she quickly got into it because of how relaxing it was. When she came back for her 2nd session, she reported listening to session 1 everyday at home and reduced her drinking by 50%.

When she came back for session 3 she reported only drinking once all week. She went out with work mates Friday night to a pub and over indulged. She spoke at length about how badly she felt all day Saturday. It wasn’t the hangover that bothered her but rather the anger and guilt that plagued her all day long. I asked if this was a usual ‘day after’ reflection to which she said no. She had never encountered this before.

Then she said she had a social event on Sunday where alcohol was involved. She explained how great a time she had not drinking. She was more engaged with her friends and remembered all the details of the event on Monday.

Tuesday she had an epiphany. Sharon always thought alcohol added to her life. While driving home from work that day she realized the opposite was more case. In just a couple of weeks of ‘brain training’ with hypnosis she re-framed her view of drinking and decided to trade-up to an alcohol-free life.

Hypnosis can quickly offer clarity of thought and an enhanced mindful life-perspective. Challenges once thought difficult or impossible to overcome can easily be accomplished. Sharon finished the 4 session program and checked in several months after her last office visit. She was still not drinking, she lost weight and was enjoying life more than she had in a long time.

Contact Paul for free consultation: 888-290-3972 or info@burlingtonhypnosis.com and visit Burlington Hypnosis.