Recent posts
Video: Emetophobia relief
Heartfelt account a young woman's battle with emetophobia. [info]
Video: Dean Ornish MD- nutrition & health
Dean Ornish directed clinical research for over 30 years proving lifestyle changes may reverse severe coronary heart disease, without drugs or surgery.
Video: Karen finds her voice
Karen used hypnotherapy to overcome public speaking fear. [info]
Video: IBS- explained, solutions & success
Nice overview of IBS; natural remedies and an interview with one of my clients who beat it with hypnosis.
Video: Joe’s confident relief
Joe overcame chronic stress and self-doubt with hypnotherapy. [info]
Video: Linda stopped drinking with hypnosis
Linda found sobriety with hypnotherapy {info]
Video: Coping with leukemia
Julie used hypnotherapy to cope with leukemia.
Video: Jerry lost 45 lbs
Jerry found success with virtual gastric band. [info]
Video: Paul on WBZ radio
Past clients joined Paul on WBZ radio. Julie has been coping with leukemia and Jerry lost 40 lbs.
High-tech hypnosis
I’ve always blended technology with hypnosis to maximize my client’s experience and the overall effect of my sessions. When its time for office sessions to begin, clients get comfortable on the leather love-seat/recliner in my office and put on a pair Bose noise...