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High-tech hypnosis

I’ve always blended technology with hypnosis to maximize my client’s experience and the overall effect of my sessions. When its time for office sessions to begin, clients get comfortable on the leather love-seat/recliner in my office and put on a pair Bose noise...

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E-cigarettes will not help you quit smoking

Don’t believe the packaging or the slick adverts, e-cigarettes are not the solution to your smoking problem. In fact, a new study goes so far as to say quite the opposite - they are a gateway to further nicotine addiction. There are, however, potential solutions out...

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Why hypnosis is easy

A client once asked me what surprises me the most about the work I do.  Initially I figured my answer would involve one particular client but I was wrong.  After thinking about for a moment I realized that what surprises me the most is about hypnosis is how easy it is...

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Paul Gustafson RN CH

paul gustafsonA Boston area Hypnotherapist, with 10 years of medical experience as an RN, Paul has been helping clients since 2001 to overcome everyday challenges. Read more
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Paul’s Book

buy on amazon Healthy Hypnosis: The Simple Truth and Practical Use Paul explains the A-B-C’s of clinical hypnosis and offers case studies and examples of actual client sessions. This is a must read for anyone interested in this fascinating technique.