Recent posts
Video: Upside to veganism
Kristina offers simply clear, logical reasons to live a whole food plant-based lifestyle.
Video: Ex-smokers rapid road to recovery
See how quickly the body recovers once the smoking stops. [info]
Video: Conversational hypnosis
An excellent example of suggestive verbal technique and light hypnotic trance.
Video: Bob overcomes stress
Bob struggled with significant stress for a long time and then tried hypnosis. [info]
Video: Meditation in the workplace
Meditation in the workplace is showing great results.
Video: Julie lost 25 lbs
Julie lost 25 pounds with Paul's virtual gastric band weight loss program [info].
Video: Ayala lost 35 lbs
Ayala lost 35 lbs with virtual gastric band hypnotherapy. [info]
Video: Paul on WBZ Radio
Paul is a regular guest on Nightside w/Dan Rea on Boston's WBZ radio.
Habits: How they form and how to break them
Think about something it took you a really long time to learn, like how to parallel park. At first, parallel parking was difficult and you had to devote a lot of mental energy to it. But after you grew comfortable with parallel parking, it became much easier — almost...
NY Times: This is Your Brain Under Hypnosis
Hypnosis, with its long and checkered history in medicine and entertainment, is receiving some new respect from neuroscientists. Recent brain studies of people who are susceptible to suggestion indicate that when they act on the suggestions their brains show profound...