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Media sluggish on hypnosis

Inspite of more than 20 years of scientific research validating hypnosis as an effective tool for positive change, it’s merge into the Greater Boston mainstream has been rather slow. I say this with the perspective of having worked as a consulting hypnotist in...

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Boston slow to embrace holistic options

Inspite of more than 20 years of scientific research validating hypnosis as an effective tool for positive change, it’s merge into the Greater Boston mainstream has been rather slow. I say this with the perspective of having worked as a consulting hypnotist in...

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Sleep yourself to a better memory?

Every lifestyle choice has the potential to affect your cognitive abilities and health. In recent years, various researchers have found that a habit that most of us take for granted — sleep — may affect our memory in noticeable ways. Does sleep help long term memories...

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Video: The Nutrition Show [full episode]

This episode of Healthy Hypnosis includes 2 videos: 1) Jeff Novick, is a unique dietitian and nutritionist offers his take on reading between the lines on food labels. 2) A mesmerizing video merging photos, music and quotes defending the opinion that humans were never...

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Study hops on meditation bandwagon

It's nice to see a study highlighting what I have been teaching my clients for over a decade; pattern of thought, and how hypnosis/mediation can establish preferred new patterns supporting the individuals specific goals. This isn't new at all, in fact I see it more as...

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Paul Gustafson RN CH

paul gustafsonA Boston area Hypnotherapist, with 10 years of medical experience as an RN, Paul has been helping clients since 2001 to overcome everyday challenges. Read more
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Paul’s Book

buy on amazon Healthy Hypnosis: The Simple Truth and Practical Use Paul explains the A-B-C’s of clinical hypnosis and offers case studies and examples of actual client sessions. This is a must read for anyone interested in this fascinating technique.