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Video: Milton Erickson father of clinical hypnosis
Milton Erickson brought hypnosis into the 20th century.
Why diets don’t work and what does
You may have noticed this interesting comment from a therapist colleague after my last blog, "The Scale: Friend or Foe:" "We've seen many eating disorders begin with people who are overweight trying to get healthy by dieting. I would not recommend daily weighing for...
Flying fear is illogical
Statistically speaking, every row of three seats on a commercial airplane contains at least one passenger who'd really rather not be there. Their clammy palms grip the armrests on take-off; their eyes search frantically for a reassuring smile from the nearest...
Video: Personalized success
Personalized sessions in 24hrs. [Info]
Video: Exam confidence
Hypnosis severs exam stress helping you think clearly and confidently. [info]
Video: Perfect fingernails
Uninstalling problem patterns results in beautiful fingernails. [Info]
Video: Taming tinnitus
Hypnotherapy can sever the chronic tinnitus hypervigilance. [info]
Video: Fix flying fear
Re-frame flying perspective; confident, relaxed and in control. [info]
Video: Career confidence
Hypnosis boosts confidence and the drive to professionally succeed. [info]
Video: Speaking confidence
Enhance your confidence to speak to groups of any size. [info]