Recent posts
Video: Excuse-itarian to vegan
Colleen Patrick-Goudreau offers her refreshing view of the many benefits of vegan diet.
Video: 5 Clients on hypnosis
5 of Paul's clients eagerly shared their hypnosis experiences.
Video: Hypnotist Darwin Gillette
Darwin Gillette is the Founder of the Center for Mind-Body Psychotherapy in Newburyport, MA. ;
Video: Intro to hypnosis & self-hypnosis
Paul reviews the A-B-C's of hypnosis and how to do self-hypnosis. [contact]
Video: Cheryle's surgical success
Cheryle turned to hypnosis to prepare for life-saving surgery. [info]
Video: Michael relieves work stress
Michael turned to Paul's stress hypnosis program to relieve work stress. [info]
Video: Nutrition resolves healthcare crisis
T. Colin Campbell, the author of The China Study, explains significant benefits of healthy nutrition.
Video: Anxiety like a heart attack
James thought he was having a heart attack.
Video: Nutrition-health connection
John McDougall MD is one of the leaders in the plant-based diet community.
Video: Productive living
Time to get focused, organized and in control of your life. [info] .