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Video: Smooth healthy skin
Hypnosis enhances immune system, reduces stress supporting healthy skin. [info]
Hypnosis makes warts dissappear
During my hypnosis training I learned how hypnosis can alter blood flow, enhance immune response, and significantly reduce stress. I use this approach to help clients make warts disappear. Even though I understood the theory there was a part of me that was thinking,...
Insomnia and health risks
Chronic lack of sleep poses a lot of known debilitating effects such as fatigue, lack of clear judgment and decision making, inability to focus, slowed response, mood changes, irritability and reduced energy levels. Little did people know that with sleep imbalance,...
Hypnosis anesthesia before ether
While James Braid was making quantum leaps with hypnosis, another Scottish doctor, Dr. James Esdaile, was experimenting and gaining permanent recognition in the history of hypnosis. Stationed in Hoogly, India, James Esdaile used hypnosis in surgery with astounding ...
Bringing hypnosis into 20th century
Milton Hyland Erickson, (5 December 1901 in Aurum, Nevada – 25 March 1980 in Phoenix, Arizona) was an American psychiatrist specializing in medical hypnosis and family therapy. He was founding president of the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis and a fellow of the...
Phobia relief
I see many individuals who are paralyzed with irrational fear over day-to-day activities like riding an escalator, flying, driving, speaking, or even making direct eye contact with others. Some know when and how the fear originated but most don’t have a clue. With...
52 healthy foods to consider
1. Eggs Each egg has 6 grams of protein but just 72 calories. No wonder researchers at Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, found that eating eggs for breakfast (as part of a low-cal diet) helps you slim down. 2. Tomato sauce It’s loaded...
Hypnosis can help children
Children are often better candidates for hypnosis than adults, says one clinical psychologist, and the process can help resolve such problems as pain, anxiety, bed wetting, and asthma. Robert Shacter of New York's Mount Sinai School of Medicine talked about children...
People pleasers pack on pounds
This common personality trait may take a toll on your waistline. Find out why—and what you can do about it. Picture this: You’re at a restaurant and plan to order grilled chicken with vegetables because you’re trying to eat healthier and shed some extra pounds. Your...
Hoop success with hypnosis
Chuck was a high school sophomore who played on the junior varsity basketball team. His father contacted me about his son’s tentative approach on the court and wondered if hypnosis could help. I described the hypnosis process and sent a brochure, but never heard back...