Recent posts
Video: Patterns of success
Paul reviews how healthy patterns are formed.
Video: Why hypnosis is easy
This vide reviews how easy it is to become hypnotized.
Video: 8 Steps to success
Paul reviews how to approach healthy change with hypnotherapy.
8 steps to success with hypnotherapy
1) Hypnosis is a daily event: It’s is a state of mind that we all experience everytime we daydream, zone out and get lost in our thoughts. These are moments when the subconscious mind is a bit more open and active than it typically is. This is also when it is more...
Stay positive: good news on COVID-19
1. Of about 80,000 people sick from COVID-19 in China, more than 70% have recovered and been discharged from hospitals. Per the World Health Organization last week, "Of the 80,000 reported COVID-19 cases in China, more than 70% have recovered and been discharged." 2....
Video: Coping with covid
Self care is more important now that it has been in a long time. Stay healthy & safe.
Coming together in a time of crisis
Remote hypnosis session program
In response to COVID-19 restrictions I needed to find a way to continue helping my clients but to do it in the safest way possible for them and for myself. So now I offer a remote session hypnosis program enabling individuals to achieve their goals from the comfort...
Video: Remote hypnotherapy program
Video: Remote hypnotherapy programGet the in-office hypnotherapy experience from the comfort and safety of home. [info]
The world is upside down…now what?
As the world seems to be changing before our eyes, we are left with the daunting task of coping with it all. How do we rationalize and make sense of such an extreme situation? This is uncharted territory for all of us. The initial instinct is ‘fight or flight’ or...