Hypnosis offers lasting IBS relief

I have seen many clients over the years suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). I was a surprised as you might be to learn of the connection between IBS and hypnosis. I decided to pursue certification in this specialty because of the staggering positive research supporting hypnosis as the #1 symptom relief option.

The gastroenterology medical journal, “Gut” published a study in 2003 to determine if IBS relief with hypnosis lasts. They surveyed 204 patients over a 5 year period who received 6 IBS specific hypnosis sessions and also listened to sessions daily at home for 3 months.

After 5 years 72% maintained their improvement over time and 19% claimed that deterioration of symptoms had only been slight.

I share this study to all of my clients to help them understand how powerful hypnosis is to create lasting positive change no matter what their goal. It’s all about pattern of thought; in life we follow the path of what we think about most. Over time problem patterns can become rooted, locked in place.

Routine hypnosis brain-training can even offer lasting relief from the extreme symptoms such IBS, chronic pain, stress and worry. It can instantly change ones perspective from ongoing struggle to the anticipation of success. It’s easy to do, it feels good, and you can do it anytime you want.

By: Paul Gustafson RN CH

Video: Dental hypnosis

Dentist helps patient achieve complete relief from pain and anxiety during a procedure.

Thoughts can heal your body

Our thoughts can make us sick, and they can help us get well. Medical research increasingly supports   the role played by the mind in physical health. Dr. Herbert Benson, founder of the Benson-Henry Institute for mind body medicine at Massachusetts General   Hospital. What’s new is our detailed scientific knowledge of how the mind   connection operates.Scientists first proved a link between stress and disease in the early half of the century.

We can now measure changes in immune cells and the brain in ways that give us objective scientific proof of the connection between them.The body responds to mental input as if it were physically real, “explains Larry Dorsey, a physician and advocate for mind-body study since the 1980s. “Images create bodily changes–just as if the experience were really happening. Brain scans show that when we imagine an event, our thoughts “light up ” the part of the brain that are triggered during the actual event. Such singing, sports of any kinds, past anger, fears, motivation any event.

The placebo effect is an example of how the connection between brain   and body works in healing. It has been demonstrated when a patient believes   something will relieve pain, the body actually releases endorphins that do so.   In a recent study, Parkinson,s patients who were given fake surgery or fake drug   treatments produced dopamine (a chemical their bodies lack) in quantities   similar to those they might have received in a genuine intervention. Medical   research has suggested that 30% to 70% of successful treatments may be the   result of the patient,s belief that the treatment will work.

“There is ample evidence that negative thoughts and feelings can be   harmful to the body,” says Lorenzo Cohen, director of the Integrative Medical   Program at the M. D. Anderson Cancer in Houston. Stress is known to be a factor in heart disease, headaches, asthma and many other  illnesses.

 By: Robert Moss