1 Mentors support growth
Mentors encourage and enable another person’s professional or personal development. A mentor can help focus their efforts by setting goals and giving feedback. As a result, companies that want to build employees’ skills often create mentoring programs. The mentors’ knowledge can help train and create a high-quality and productive workforce. Employees appreciate workplaces that encourage development, as it can demonstrate that their employer values them and wants to see them grow.
2 Mentors serve as a source of knowledge
Mentors can provide specific insights and information that enable the mentee’s success. For example, they offer instructions on how to perform particular tasks or develop useful skills. Individuals starting their career can benefit from such guidance, as it helps them feel comfortable in the role more quickly. For example, a mentor can help a person starting a business learn how to develop their initial business plan and budgets.
3 Mentors can help set goals
A mentor can help their mentee set personal or professional development goals. For effective goal-setting, they can create SMART goals—specific, achievable, relevant and time-based. These goals can help focus the mentee’s efforts and make it easier for the mentor to track and assess progress. They may identify smaller tasks in pursuit of a larger objective to develop specific skills or meet particular priorities.
4 Mentors maintain accountability
A mentor helps hold their mentee accountable for their goals. By tracking progress, the mentor helps the mentee stay focused and on track towards completing them. It can also ensure that the mentee does not forget about the goals they have set. Knowing that someone else is watching can serve as motivation, as the mentee likely does not want to let the mentor down by failing to meet goals.
5 Mentors offer encouragement
When the mentee finds themselves struggling to perform their job or reach a goal, they can turn to their mentor for support. This encouragement can motivate them to keep moving forward despite challenges. A mentor can also identify and express their mentee’s strengths to instill confidence in them. Having a strong sense of confidence can make the mentee less likely to give up on their goals.
6 Mentors help make connections
A mentor can help build their mentee’s professional network. When the mentee identifies professional or personal goals, the mentor can connect them to potential opportunities or individuals who can help them. As the mentor typically has more industry experience or a higher-level career, these connections can be valuable for career advancement.
7 Mentors are willing to listen
When an individual has ideas, they can use a mentor as a resource to discuss or try them. The mentor can provide unbiased advice or opinions using their relevant knowledge and experience. With these insights, the mentee can better understand what steps to take and whether to pursue the idea or walk away. Similarly, a mentor can also listen and advise them on daily concerns, such as workplace conflicts.
8 Mentors serve as a trusted ally
Trust represents a core element of mentoring relationships. The mentee must trust that the mentor has their best interests in mind and will provide accurate and honest guidance. The business world can also be competitive, so they need to rely on one another to keep confidential information private when necessary. Communicating regularly and following through on their promises demonstrate two methods of establishing trust in these relationships.
9 Mentors can offer constructive feedback
A trusting mentorship relationship enables honest feedback. By establishing trust, the mentee understands that constructive criticism aims to build their professional growth rather than make them feel bad. Mentors can identify weaknesses and advise them on ways to improve. Because this is a professional relationship, the mentor plays an objective role. Meanwhile, a friend may hesitate to identify the mentee’s weaknesses because they do not want to appear critical.
10 Mentors provide guidelines
For individuals just starting their career, a mentor can help set guidelines on professional expectations. For example, they may clarify the priorities of the role and proper workplace behaviors. These guidelines can help the mentee establish appropriate work habits that enable them to focus and perform their job successfully. These effective work habits can help them be more productive and impress their supervisors.
11 Mentors have relevant experience
When possible, individuals should choose mentors who have the experience relevant to their profession or goals. When mentors convey their successes, the mentee can use them as an example to strive toward and copy the steps they took. Mentors can also share the mistakes they made along their journeys. The mentee benefits because they learn lessons about the mistakes’ negative impacts but do not have to suffer the consequences themselves. Learning about these experiences can also help prepare the mentee for the challenges they can expect to face and provide demonstrable advice on how to overcome them.
12 Mentors are a free resource
Mentorship typically occurs due to networking or company programs, so mentors do not seek payment. They offer to serve this role because they genuinely want to help the other individual grow and establish a more authentic and personal connection. The lack of payment also opens up mentorship for all types of people, rather than restricting this resource to only those who can afford it. (Indeed.com)
Hypnotherapist Paul Gustafson RN CH offers a 6-class mentoring program for new certified hypnotherapists interested in taking the fast track to professional success. Paul incorporates high-end audio and video along with creatively effective sessions which offers eager clients consistently positive results. [more]
Paul’s multilevel approach includes a dynamic client office experience, digital recording of client sessions, MP3 file sharing, cable TV show production with search engine optimization, blogging and social media distribution. [contact]
When trying to address a psychological issue, such as a phobia, there are different methods used for treatment. This can be confusing to some who want the best treatment to help alleviate their fear or put their condition in its proper place. Understanding which type of treatment is right for you starts with an understanding of what hypnosis, counselling, and CBT do and their differences.
Hypnosis has been around for many centuries and has been used to address all types of fears, unwanted behaviors, and reactions by going straight into the mind. A person under hypnosis will be trained to react differently to a specific behavior. For example, if a person suffers from anxiety, hypnosis will plant subconscious suggestions that alter the reaction to the feeling of anxiety which result in a person not suffering from the constant state of fear.
This is a traditional form of therapy that is primarily designed to identify the source of the unwanted feeling or behavior, so the effect is lessened, and the person can retain control. In addition to identification, counselling provides methods for the patient to address what is unwanted and focus on other areas so that it can be changed in a more positive direction.
Counselling has been a primary means of addressing fears and behaviors in millions of people around the world. Sometimes, it may be combined with CBT or hypnosis to help augment the effects.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most widely used practices in the mental health profession. The essence of CBT to develop effective coping strategies for those who are afflicted with beliefs, thoughts, or attitudes that need be changed to lead a healthier lifestyle. For example, a person who suffers from anxiety and uses CBT will be taught methods or behaviors that curb the effect of the anxiety.
Unlike hypnosis which reaches directly into the mind, CBT is built on training the mind to react differently when the fear or symptoms are being felt. CBT is an action-oriented approach that is designed to curb the unwanted fear, behavior, or symptoms so the person can then remain in control.
The differences between hypnosis, counselling and CBT are considerable even though they seemingly use similar methods. Traditional counselling deals with identification while CBT is more along the lines of building up new habits or reactions to successfully deal with the unwanted fear, attitudes, or behaviors.
Hypnosis is like CBT in terms of applying different responses, but the method is far different in that it implants suggestions directly into the mind. This means that the reactions are automatic and can be reinforced when needed. Hypnosis can be performed by a therapist or self-induced using the proper methods.
An example of the differences is quitting smoking. While counselling will find the reason why you smoke, CBT will prescribe training to help you avoid smoking. Hypnosis will implant suggestions that have you turn away from lighting up a cigarette.
Finding the right choice between hypnosis, counselling, or CBT means understanding their strengths and differences, so you can make the best-informed decision. In many cases a combination of all three processes may be used to solve the problem.
By: Biodun Ogunyemi
Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice
National Guild of Hypnotists
Client Welfare: Members shall make the physical and mental well-being of each client a prime consideration.
Client Safety: Members shall not engage in verbal, physical or sexual abuse of any client.
Practice Limits: Members shall use hypnotism strictly within the limits of their training and competence and in conformity to the laws of their state.
Advertising: Members shall be truthful in their advertising.
Referred Practice: Members shall engage in hypnotic work with a client regarding a medical or mental disease only on written referral from an appropriately licensed medical or mental health professional, except when otherwise provided for by state law.
Reasonable Practice: Members shall withhold non-referred hypnotic services if a client’s behavior, appearance or statements would lead a reasonable person to believe that the client should be evaluated by a licensed health care professional. Members shall provide services to such clients only after evaluation and with the approval of the licensed health care professional.
Colleagues: Members shall treat hypnotist colleagues without public defamation.
Record Keeping: Members shall establish and maintain proper records necessary to a professional practice.
Scope of Practice: Members shall use hypnotism with clients to motivate them to eliminate negative or unwanted habits, facilitate the learning process, improve memory and concentration, develop self-confidence, eliminate stage fright, improve athletic abilities, and for other social, educational and cultural endeavors of a non-medical nature. Except where state law provides otherwise, members shall use hypnotism with clients regarding a medical or mental disease only on written referral from a licensed medical or mental health professional.
Titles of Practice: Members shall hold their hypnotism services out to the public using only those titles earned and approved by the National Guild of Hypnotists: Certified Hypnotist or Certified Hypnotherapist Certified Instructor, Board Certified Hypnotist or Board Certified Hypnotherapist, Fellow of the National Guild of Hypnotists, or Diplomate of the National Guild of Hypnotists, or titles protected by state law.
Disclosure: Members shall truthfully disclose in writing to each client, using a Client Bill of Rights or similar written document, the nature and venue of the member’s hypnotism training, the field of study of any higher degree used when holding services out to the public, the lawful limits of the member’s practice of hypnotism, the practitioner’s theoretical orientation or model, instructions for contacting the National Guild of Hypnotists should the client seek redress, and any business policies and practices maintained by the practitioner. Members holding advanced degrees from institutions that do not hold accreditation recognized by the United States Department of Education shall disclose to clients that the degree is alternative rather than academic. Members shall restrict the services described on this document to hypnotism.
Terminology: Unless qualified to do so by another credential, members shall avoid using the language of psychopathology or medicine when working with clients, except on referral from a licensed medical or mental health professional.
Public Hypnotism: Demonstrational hypnotism shall always be presented in a tasteful manner which is considerate of the individuals who have volunteered to participate in a public demonstration. Individuals participating in such demonstrations shall be treated with courtesy and respect.
Age-regression and Forensic Hypnotism: Age-regression and forensic hypnotism shall be used only by those who have had additional training in these specific fields of study.
Imagery: Frightening, shocking, obscene, inappropriately sexually suggestive, degrading or humiliating imagery shall never be used with a hypnotized client.
Claims: Members shall not disseminate false or exaggerated claims regarding hypnotism, but shall attempt whenever possible to inform and educate the public with a true perspective of hypnotism. Members shall make only those specific claims for the effectiveness of hypnotism as can be justified by outcomes data. Members shall publicly maintain a professional demeanor toward other professions expressing divergent views on hypnotism.
Advertising: All advertising shall be factually presented in a professional and ethical way consistent with accepted standards. Members shall advertise services and capabilities as hypnotists in conjunction with other specialties, occupations, vocations, arts or professions only if duly trained, properly qualified and professionally recognized in those fields.
Education: Schools of instruction now existing and those to be established in the future shall provide a full curriculum consisting of the theory, practice and applications of hypnotism, instruction and supervised practice in hypnotic methodology, the possibilities and limitations of hypnotism, with thorough instruction on the Ethics and Standards of our profession as set forth herein. All curricula used at schools recognized by the National Guild of Hypnotists shall be approved by the National Guild of Hypnotists. Instructors at such schools are expected to be approved and certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists or to hold credentials judged by the Guild as equivalent.
Good Standing: Members who maintain the required number of continuing-education hours, are of high moral character, conduct themselves and their practice of hypnotism in a professional and ethical manner and meet their financial dues obligation shall be considered as members in good standing of the National Guild of Hypnotists.
Recommendations: When a member recommends a client consult a colleague or health care professional, the member shall, whenever possible, provide the client with a list of more than one recommended
When Kelly Jackson was a 24-year-old public relations manager at the Philadelphia-based marketing firm Allen & Gerritsen (A&G), she asked three top executives at the firm to be her mentors, to answer her questions, offer advice, and help her navigate the workplace.
Three years later, she is an account director at Ogilvy in Chicago, thanks in part to the invaluable lessons imparted by her mentors.
“When you develop a mentor relationship, you gain so much confidence in an array of areas, including the ability to talk with people and ask for their feedback,” Jackson says. “In all these conversations with my mentors, I felt surer of myself in preparing for a move and figuring out what I wanted next for my career.”
Regardless of where you are in your career, a recent graduate, a new manager, or a seasoned professional, everyone can use a mentor to help guide them. “We know from research that people with mentors get promoted faster, earn a higher salary, and are more satisfied with their careers,” says Wendy Murphy, an associate professor of management at Babson College and author of Strategic Relationships at Work: Creating Your Circle of Mentors, Sponsors, and Peers for Success in Business and Life.
While most professionals agree that having a mentor is beneficial, few people, especially early in their careers, know how to find a mentor and make sure it’s a productive and meaningful relationship.
Here are 10 tips to help you figure out what you’re looking for, identify the right mentor for you, and set yourself up for a successful mentorship.
Understand what a mentor is and isn’t
A mentor is someone who can act as your cheerleader and guide, encourage you to apply for new opportunities, and help you to navigate challenging situations such as transitioning to a new role or taking on a stretch assignment.
Often your mentor will be someone working in the same industry as you and/or in a similar role—or someone working in an industry and/or type of role you want to transition to who can help you figure out how to advance your career.
While it’s possible to be mentored by a peer, most mentors will be at least a level or two ahead of you in their career track.
Keep in mind that a mentor is different from a sponsor. A mentor answers questions and offers advice, while a sponsor uses his or her connections to advocate for a younger or less experienced employee and actively participate in their career growth.
Most people end up having a long-term, one-on-one relationship with their mentor, and that’s how we typically envision mentorship, but it’s not the only option. There are many different forms of mentoring, including peer mentoring (with someone at the same level as you) and group mentoring (where you don’t meet one-on-one).
Mentoring can also be done in bite-sized chunks. For instance, you might find someone with a specific skill or an experience you want to learn more about and ask if you can talk with them about it in a one-time, one-hour mentoring session.
“Traditional one-on-one mentoring is more personal, with intimate and in-depth conversations, but this type of mentoring may not be right for every situation,” says Kathie Patterson, Chief Human Resources Officer at Ally Financial in Detroit. “It depends on what you need and what you’re working toward.”
Be clear about goals
Before you even consider asking someone to be your mentor, you need to reflect on what you hope to learn and get out of the relationship, Patterson says. The goal of most mentoring relationships is to help you overcome a transition or hurdle or to become better in an area of work that you need more support or guidance in, she says.
Think about your purpose in seeking a mentor, Murphy says. Determine the gaps in your work performance and what you need to better understand about your industry or employer.
For instance, if your boss has suggested that you learn how to think on your feet in client meetings, consider which colleagues you’ve seen excel in that area who might be able to help you learn that skill.
Or maybe you’ve been tasked with creating your first marketing plan and you want to ask for some advice on best practices without relying on your boss for help. Or you might be feeling like you’re ready for a promotion or a new role and could use some guidance on how to take that next step in your career.
Find the mentor
Once you pinpoint what skills you’re seeking help with or what questions have about your industry, look at the community around you, including coworkers, family friends, and your college alumni network, to find a potential mentor, says Emily Merrell, founder of Six Degrees Society, a Manhattan-based membership organization that helps women to build their professional networks.
Your mentor doesn’t need to be an executive. They can be just a few levels above you. In fact, someone three to five years ahead of you might have more practical and relevant advice than someone 20 or 30 years your senior, who may be less in touch with the day-to-day realities of someone at your level.
For example, if you’re an engineer looking to grow into a management role, you might want to reach out to your RA from college who you always had a great rapport with and who’s been working as an engineering manager for a few years already. Or if you’re an entry-level marketer looking to become a specialist focusing on social media, you might look to the social media director you got to know at an internship you did a couple of years ago.
Don’t be surprised if you realize that one person is unable to help you in all the ways you’re looking to learn about your industry and grow your career. That’s OK. Remember that you can have multiple mentors at one time. “Think of them as your personal board of advisors,” Murphy says. They can include people at your own company who are embedded in the same workplace culture and people outside your office who can act as a sounding board, she says.
Look for different perspectives
Now that she’s at Ogilvy, Jackson has focused on finding mentors who work in different departments, such as advertising or creative, to give her a different perspective and teach her new skills. “I want to learn from someone who doesn’t do the same thing as me,” she says. A mentor with a different perspective has helped her understand how to work with different people, adjust her communication styles, and think more creatively, she says.
Patterson agrees that it’s important to find mentors with different worldviews. “If you are really going to push yourself and grow, you need a mentor who is different from you, who can give you a different point of view,” she says. This could be someone in a different department or someone from a different background who experiences the workplace differently than you do.
Reach out and establish a relationship
There is no one way to establish a mentoring relationship. While Jackson specifically asked her colleagues to mentor her, not everyone is that direct in their request. Most people are more comfortable starting a
conversation with a potential mentor and allowing that relationship to develop organically, Murphy says.
Merrell recommends inviting a potential mentor to coffee and having a casual conversation with them about work and some of the challenges you’re facing. (You can always make it a virtual coffee during the COVID-19 pandemic or if you don’t live near each other.)
“You might discover that they don’t have the bandwidth or aren’t the right fit to be your mentor,” Merrell says.
If you’re looking to ask someone you don’t know to be your mentor, it’s always best to ask a mutual contact to make an introduction for you, Merrell says.
If you don’t have a common friend to make an introduction, it’s important to establish common ground when you reach out, such as mentioning that you graduated from the same university, work in the same industry, or belong to the same professional organization.
Tell them about yourself, your work and why you’re reaching out to them, Murphy says. For instance, you could say, “I was just promoted to marketing manager and I want to be more prepared for my new role. Do you mind if I ask you some questions about stepping up to take the lead on multi-channel campaigns and working successfully with various stakeholders?”
If you’re asking someone you work with to be your mentor, you can say, “I really admire your work style and I’d like to learn more about how you prepare for meetings. You always have an answer for every question and you always appear calm.”
It’s important that you feel comfortable enough with your mentor to reveal doubts about yourself and your work, Patterson says. You have to be willing to be open, vulnerable and honest with your mentor about your challenges and weaknesses. Testing the waters with an initial conversation can help you decide whether or not it feels right to keep moving forward.
Be specific about what you want
Starting with your initial outreach, be sure to help your potential mentor understand what you’re working toward or what you need support in, and why you’re turning to them rather than someone else, Patterson says. “Being clear with what you’re looking for and why you think this person is the right one will help them to say yes,” she says. “This also allows the proposed mentor the chance to say ‘I might not be able to give you that clarity.”
When Jackson was at A&G she specifically asked each executive to mentor her and then followed up with an email outlining the topics she wanted to cover (navigating office politics, infusing personal passion into work, managing office naysayers) and what she wanted to get out of the mentoring sessions.
“I put a plan together so they would have something to react to,” Jackson says. “It shows that you’re serious about it and it ensures that you get something out of it.”
You don’t have to send a formal written plan to your mentor as Jackson did (and that may feel like too much depending on your situation). But you should define what problem or questions you want help with each time you meet and be mindful of their time, Merrell says. For instance, you could say,
“I would love 20 minutes of your time to talk about managing a new hire. Can I get your perspective on some issues I’m struggling with?”
Make it easy for mentor
Be respectful of your mentor’s time by taking care of logistics—whether that means finding a meeting place or setting up the Zoom call—so they can just show up and offer their advice. Consider sending an agenda or your questions the day before your meeting so your mentor has time to think about how best to help you, Merrell says.
Be on time for your meeting and, if your mentor sets a 30-minute time limit, you should be the one watching the clock, she says. If you’re meeting in person, pay for their coffee, she adds.
Show you value feedback
If your mentor recommends you try an action or suggests you read a book, demonstrate that you’re incorporating their feedback by telling them, either by email or at your next meeting, what happened when you followed their advice, Murphy said. And find ways to reflect back to your mentor what you’re learning from your meetings.
For instance, if you read an article that you find helpful, send it to your mentor and tell them how that article relates to a recent conversation you had.
If you’re meeting over Zoom, Merrell suggests asking your mentor permission to record the session, allowing you to focus on what they’re saying during your meeting rather than taking notes and replay it later to really take in their advice and think more deeply about their suggestions.
Mentors will likely change with your career
It’s unlikely that the same mentor will shepherd you from your entry-level position to the C-suite. Over time, the people you choose as mentors will likely change according to where you are on your path and what you need most in that moment.
For instance, when Patterson went back to work after the birth of her child, she wanted to find a mentor who was a working mother and had been through that transition.
On the other hand, if you get promoted to a director-level position, you might find you need help deciding which meetings you need to attend in person and which meetings your staff can attend for you, along with other decisions about what and how to delegate, and turn to a director in another department who has more experience.
As you move up and change jobs (or even careers) and navigate different questions, challenges, and opportunities, you can repeat this process of figuring out your goals, finding the right potential mentors, reaching out, and establishing relationships.
Show gratitude
Your mentor has a personal life, job, and responsibilities, so show your respect by not being too demanding of their time. But don’t stop there. Find small ways to demonstrate gratitude and kindness.
It could be a handwritten note or an offer to make a professional introduction for them that would be beneficial to their career, Merrell says. Maybe one of your clients would be a good resource for your mentor or perhaps your department head is looking for a senior-level employee and your mentor seems like a good candidate.
And reach out just to see how they’re doing, even if you’ve found new mentors to help you with new facets of your career. Jackson still keeps in touch with her mentors, though they mostly communicate by email and text these days.
“If I see they have a job update on LinkedIn, I check in with them personally,’” she says. “Show you appreciate them by asking about the things happening in their life.” At the end of the day, you want to make sure your mentors know you care about them as much as you expect them to care about you.
By: Lisa Rabasca Roepe
Hypnotherapist Paul Gustafson RN CH offers a 6-class mentoring program for new certified hypnotherapists interested in taking the fast track to professional success. Paul incorporates high-end audio and video along with creatively effective sessions which offers eager clients consistently positive results. [more]
Paul’s multilevel approach includes a dynamic client office experience, digital recording of client sessions, MP3 file sharing, cable TV show production with search engine optimization, blogging and social media distribution. [contact]
It’s an exciting process to get certified as a hypnotherapist. This unique modality offers the opportunity to make a dramatic impact on individuals eager to overcome many of life’s day-to-day challenges.
The bad news is that becoming a new hypnotherapist offers two significant challenges. The first hurdle is becoming a proficient practitioner. There is so much more to being a great hypnotherapist than a few scripts and relaxing music. It takes time to develop your style, find your voice, and to craft effective sessions.
The other challenge is becoming self-employed. It’s not as though you can get a job at the local hypnotherapy clinic. Most small businesses fail and to make matters worse you are attempting to sell services in a profession that is widely mocked, misunderstood and marginalized.
The good news is that if you set-up a modern practice with high-end audio and a google-friendly web presence, you’ll always be busy offering eager clients consistently positive results.
Also, since most states, my state of Massachusetts included, have no regulations for hypnotherapy anyone can take a week-end seminar, get a certificate and go into business. So, it doesn’t take much to stand out from the competition.
This virtual 6-class mentoring program is for certified hypnotherapists interested in taking the fast track to professional success. This program offers a multileveled approach including a dynamic client office experience, live digital recording of client sessions, MP3 file sharing, cable TV show production with search engine optimization, blogging and social media distribution.
Hypnotherapist Paul Gustafson RN CH offers a 6-class mentoring program for new certified hypnotherapists interested in taking the fast track to professional success. Paul incorporates high-end audio and video along with creatively effective sessions which offers eager clients consistently positive results. [more]
Paul’s multilevel approach includes a dynamic client office experience, digital recording of client sessions, MP3 file sharing, cable TV show production with search engine optimization, blogging and social media distribution. [contact]