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First office visit
Most of my first visit hypnosis clients have been struggling for a long time and tried mainstream options without success. Of course each person is unique but there is a consistent theme with everyone, they feel overwhelmed and powerless. Another common thread for...
Trading-up to success
The most effective way to help clients succeed is to frame it in such an appealing way that there seems to be no other choice. Hypnosis taps into the imagination where individuals are guided to not only release the unproductive past, but to also anticipate success. It...
3 keys to success
At times we all feel as though we are prisoners of one bad habit or another, something we just can’t shake or quit. My approach with hypnosis is all about the patterns and their roots. If we make the mistake of picking up a cigarette when we are very young and become...
Hypnosis relieves substance abuse
Hypnosis is a great tool supporting sobriety and healthy living. I help clients tap into the euphoric bliss of naturally occurring endorphin flow. Once individuals experience such profound relaxation, and incorporate it into their daily routine, most find it...
Video: Dental hypnosis
Dentist helps patient achieve complete relief from pain and anxiety during a procedure.
Video: Regression expert Dr. Brian Weiss on Oprah
Past-life regression expert Dr. Brian Weiss on Oprah.
Video: Paul on WBZ Radio- Client's 40lb weight loss
Paul's client on radio explaining how hypnosis helped her lose 40lbs. [info]
Video: 3 Virtual gastric band clients
3 virtual gastric band weight loss clients share their stories. [info]
Video: Amanda overcame vomiting fear
Amanda was paralyzed by vomiting fear and Paul's program put her back in control. [info]
10 Tips for a thinner Thanksgiving
1) Get Active Create a calorie deficit by exercising to burn off extra calories before you ever indulge in your favorite foods, suggests Connie Diekman, MEd, RD, former president of the American Dietetic Association (ADA). "Eat less and exercise more' is the winning...