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CBSNews: Trend away from anesthesia for hypnosis instead
Can you imagine going through major surgery without general anesthesia? That's what Christel Place did when she had her thyroid removed - and she's one of a growing number of patients who opt out of general anesthesia and get hypnotized instead. [more]
Paul explains his gastric band program
You have been struggling to take control of your healthy fitness for a long time. Perhaps you even feel powerless to change. You have experienced all of the frustration and disappointment that comes from dieting. You already know that dieting doesn’t work. If it did...
Video: Hypnosis boosts fertility
Research says hypnosis doubles the success of IVF treatment. 28% of woman in the group that were hypnotized became pregnant compared to 14% of those were not hypnotized.
Research: hypnosis changes how we interact with the world
The new experiments, which used brain imaging, found that people who were hypnotized "saw" colors where there were none. Others lost the ability to make simple decisions. Some people looked at common English words and thought that they were gibberish. "The idea that...
Leafy green vegetables ranked and rated
"Greens are the No. 1 food you can eat regularly to help improve your health," says Jill Nussinow, MS, RD, a culinary educator in Northern California and the author of The Veggie Queen. That's because leafy vegetables are brimming with fiber along with vitamins,...
Superfoods can ward off heart disease, cancer and cholesterol
Imagine a superfood -- not a drug -- powerful enough to help you lower yourcholesterol, reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer, and, for an added bonus, put you in a better mood. Did we mention that there are no side effects? You'd surely stock up on a lifetime...
Obesity and brain damage
How Being Overweight Affects the Brain Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh scanned the brains of 94 people over the age of 70. They were looking to see the differences in the brains of people who were of normal weight (BMI under 25), overweight (BMI 25-30),...
Research: Surgical wounds heal faster with hypnosis
Marie McBrown was invited to test whether or not hypnosis would help heal the scars from her breast surgery. Marie (not her real name) and 17 other women underwent surgery to reduce their breast size. It's a common operation for women whose breasts are large enough to...
Research: Hypnosis & brain communication
The Science of Hypnosis and the Brain By Muriel Prince Warren, DSW Recent brain research indicates that it is possible to talk to the Amygdala, a key part of the brain that deals with certain emotions. The inner mind is concerned with emotion, imagination and memory...
Research: Hypnosis significant for weight loss
In a 9-week study of two weight management groups (one using hypnosis and one not using hypnosis), the hypnosis group continued to get results in the two-year follow-up, while the non-hypnosis group showed no further results (Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1985) In a...