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Less sugar = rapid weight loss

By sugar, we mean white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, corn sugar, sucrose or whatever different names it is called. Consumption of sugar should be limited for a healthier as well as happier life. In fact, for those who want to lose weight fast must limit their...

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Three habits supporting weight loss success

1. Daily Food Diary Women who were more consistent with keeping a food journal lost about 6 more pounds. If you've already logged your meals for the day, kudos to you. If not, get back on the wagon. Staying on the wagon means making logging easy. Try to log all your...

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Can you be hypnotized?

It’s not a matter of whether you can be hypnotized, but whether you’ll allow yourself to be helped to enter hypnosis. Most people go into hypnosis easily once they understand that you remain conscious and do not surrender your will. Fear of loss of control, which is...

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Top 5 hypnosis myths

1) All hypnosis is the same: Hypnosis is all about rapport, listening to the clients concerns and explaining the process to develop trust and put the client at ease. I email clients an audio file so they come in with an idea of who I am and what to expect. Those who...

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5 unexpected uses of hypnosis

Get things done: Many spend so much time focused on what needs to be done, nothing is accomplished.  Hypnosis not only helps individuals experience satisfaction with even the smallest step forward but also offers a view into their clutter-free future. It’s a simple...

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Hypnosis…just the facts

  Hypnosis does not involve mind control, magic, unconsciousness or sleep. You cannot be made to enter hypnosis against your will. Hypnosis is a natural experience that happens to most of us each day when we become absorbed in doing something like driving,...

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Paul Gustafson RN CH

paul gustafsonA Boston area Hypnotherapist, with 10 years of medical experience as an RN, Paul has been helping clients since 2001 to overcome everyday challenges. Read more
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Paul’s Book

buy on amazon Healthy Hypnosis: The Simple Truth and Practical Use Paul explains the A-B-C’s of clinical hypnosis and offers case studies and examples of actual client sessions. This is a must read for anyone interested in this fascinating technique.