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Research: rapid recovery after kicking the butts
Within a few days you will probably begin to notice some remarkable changes in your body. Your sense of smell and taste may improve. You will breathe easier, and your smoker's hack will begin to disappear, although you may notice that you will continue to cough for a...
“Industrial Global Diet” and the Growing Obesity Problem
We recently returned from a walking trip in Spain along the Camino de Santiago. Although the trek is about 800 kilometers, we walked only the last 220 kilometers and met some wonderful people along the way. We spent one pleasant evening chatting to a plastic surgeon...
The instant reframe qualities of hypnosis.
I have been a hypnotist since 2001 and continue to be amazed who quickly clients can shed the emotional burdens of their problems. They walk in my office looking as though their problems define who they are, and leave feeling refreshed and confident. If you want to...
It all started with a single thought
On May 6th 1954, Roger Bannister had thoughts of running a sub-four minute mile, which had never been done before. Not only did he succeed but he opened the door for 45 other runners to have the same dream and in tern, accomplished the same feat over the course of the...
Hypnosis relieves Andrea’s chronic pain
Andrea was a 32 year old professional woman who was referred to me by her primary physician. She had back surgery one year ago to free up a restricted nerve which was causing her a lot of discomfort. Her surgery was successful although she continued to have pain....
Americans clueless on nutrition
The International Food Information Council (IFIC) Foundation just released the results of their 2012 Food & Health Survey. Their findings show Americans knowledge on nutrition is a bit of a contradiction. While people said their nutrition is important and they...
Fascinating hypnosis history
Descriptions of the hypnotic process going back 6000 years. During the past 200 years, hypnosis became more formalized but had to battle for mainstream acceptance against organized religion and medical science. Here is a time line listing of some of the most...
Hospital saves big money with pre-op hypnosis.
In one study an average savings of $1,200 per patient resulted from this simple 5-minute intervention of hypnosis before surgery. (Western Journal of Medicine. 1993) Those who are mentally prepared for surgery consistently have fewer complications, require fewer...
How thoughts become things
Another competitive advantage of hypnosis is that the imagination resides in the subconscious mind. This offers the unique opportunity to begin seeing and feeling the positive change you desire. With hypnosis one can engage in the ongoing process of self-design which...
Mirror effect
This was forwarded to me today, I hope you like it.: “I was talking to my neighbor in the driveway the other day and he mentioned something in conversation that caught my attention. He said that he thinks strangers have started smiling at him more often than they used...