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Video: M.D. likes IBS hypnosis
Dr. Irving Ingraham has been referring his IBS patients to Paul since 2003. [info]
Video: Hypnosis helps in the O.R.
Pre-surgical hypnosis reduces costs, surgical complications, and patients recover more quickly. [info]
Video: MD uses hypnosis in O.R.
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Research: Pain wilts from hypnosis
University of Iowa News Release March 14, 2005 Brain Imaging Studies Investigate Pain Reduction By Hypnosis Although hypnosis has been shown to reduce pain perception, it is not clear how the technique works. Identifying a sound, scientific explanation for hypnosis'...
Research: Thumbs up for weight loss hypnosis
Yes, research demonstrates a significant effect when using hypnosis for weight loss. In a 9-week study of two weight management groups (one using hypnosis and one not using hypnosis), the hypnosis group continued to get results in the two-year follow-up, while the...
Research: Hospitals save on surgical cost
In one study an average savings of $1,200 per patient resulted from this simple 5-minute intervention of hypnosis before surgery. (Western Journal of Medicine. 1993) Those who are mentally prepared for surgery consistently have fewer complications, require fewer...
Regression hypnosis
Regression hypnosis is one of the most fascinating applications because it is the gateway to profound clarity of prior times in our current lives, and can also productively detail times events of past lives, depending on the values of the client. The primary clinical...
ABC News: Hypnosis eases childbirth pain
Tania Lapointe is the happy mother of three young children. But when she recalls giving birth to her two boys, 5-year-old Guille and 2-year-old Philip, she is not exactly overcome by a warm, maternal glow of remembrance. "I was in extreme pain — the kind of pain where...
Hypnosis vs. meditation
Think of hypnosis as meditation with intention. The word meditation comes from two Latin words: meditari, which means to exercise the mind or to think or dwell upon, and mederi, which means to heal. Meditation is the process of focusing within, becoming free of outer...
Smoke-free with hypnosis
I love helping smokers sever their connection to the deadly habit. They come in hopelessly desperate for help and leave with big smiles and new found confidence to easily move forward smoke-free. I once had a 72-year old truck driver, Joe, who smoked three packs a day...