Video: Paul on WBZ radio


Past clients joined Paul on WBZ radio. Julie has been coping with leukemia and Jerry lost 40 lbs.

High-tech hypnosis

I’ve always blended technology with hypnosis to maximize my client’s experience and the overall effect of my sessions. When its time for office sessions to begin, clients get comfortable on the leather love-seat/recliner in my office and put on a pair Bose noise cancelling headphones.

I also wear headphones as well as a headset microphone. My voice is mixed with soothing music and nature sounds originating from a 24 track digital workstation. Each hypnosis session has its own unique sound tapestry which I mix and blend while conducting the session. I wear headphones so I can hear exactly what the clients hear, making sure the sound perfectly supports the session.

An example of the benefit this approach offers is when I shift to new scenario designed to help clients relax more deeply. Shifting the music or introducing nature sounds at this moment enhances the client’s transition into much deeper relaxation. It also enhances the overall production value of the experience.

I have a wide variety of meditation music along with the sounds of the ocean surf, a country river, tropical birds, and even the sound of a gentle sun shower. My virtual gastric band clients, who are guided through imaginary surgery, even hear the sounds of the operating room equipment and the distant voice of the hospital intercom.

Most often clients are given prerecorded versions of the sessions we do live in the office for home reinforcement. These recordings have the same music arrangements as the in-office sessions have so there is continuity to their overall experience.

I offer a recording of each office session. Clients either receive access by email to the MP3s via Dropbox or I can also give them the session on a thumb drive. Listening to sessions daily at home ensures that desired goals are not only achieved but the results are long lasting.

I don’t believe there are too many hypnosis practitioners taking this unique approach but my clients really like it and benefit from it and I certainly enjoy setting it up and being able to offer it as a part of my many programs.

By: Paul Gustafson RN CH


E-cigarettes will not help you quit smoking

Don’t believe the packaging or the slick adverts, e-cigarettes are not the solution to your smoking problem. In fact, a new study goes so far as to say quite the opposite – they are a gateway to further nicotine addiction. There are, however, potential solutions out there which can replace both patches and e-cigarettes by building your mental fortitude and resilience to overcome cravings and live a healthier life.

The theory is simple. Electronic cigarette producers and proponents suggest that these are ideal devices for slowly weaning yourself off nicotine. Smokers still get a fix, but with reduced health risks and reduced amounts of nicotine. This, however, requires a huge amount of willpower and discipline to slowly cut intake until the smoker is able to quit entirely.

 Reality of E-Cigarettes

According to a study tracking cancer patients trying to quit smoking noted by Medical News Today, e-cigarette users were more nicotine dependent than nonusers. The report, while suspect to some, has been used to encourage oncologists to not recommend e-cigarettes or vapes to patients. UK Professors, Peter Hajek and Robert West have disagreed with the study’s findings due to a high dropout rate of participants.

However, other studies have shown e-cigarettes to be harmful. The FDA is working to regulate e-cigarettes after medical studies determined that even though so-called vapes produce a nicotine vapor, smokers still inhale harmful substances and potential carcinogens. If we go back to the original, controversial study, one thing it does prove is that those who enroll in a 6-12 month cessation plan usually fail; especially if it involves nicotine replacement products such as patches and e-cigarettes.

Hypnotherapy is More Effective Than E-Cigarettes

What should be taken from these studies is that any kind of nicotine is addictive and potentially harmful. Those looking to quit smoking, no matter their health, should look for nicotine-free solutions. Psychological counseling is one option and another is smoking cessation through hypnosis.

Hypnosis works through altering a person’s state of awareness so they appear to be in a trance or even asleep. By influencing a person’s thought process and awareness, hypnotherapy is able to reduce pain, help with weight issues, and quit smoking. If you have tried many alternatives or want a nicotine free way to quit the habit, get in touch – it might change your life!

By: Phoebe Parlade

Why hypnosis is easy

A client once asked me what surprises me the most about the work I do.  Initially I figured my answer would involve one particular client but I was wrong.  After thinking about for a moment I realized that what surprises me the most is about hypnosis is how easy it is for clients to become hypnotized.

Especially considering that nearly everyone comes into my office with no previous hypnosis experience and most don’t even have any experience with meditation or any relaxation techniques of any kind.
I don’t think it’s because of any particular skill I might have but rather with hypnosis in general.  Everyday we all routinely float in and out of a light hypnotic state in the form of zoning out or daydreaming. So being guided into this familiar feeling with hypnosis is naturally easy for nearly everyone.

I tell all my clients that making the shift from conscious to subconscious, to enhance our life experience, is how we are all hardwired to operate, but unfortunately this blissful, meditative oasis goes unnoticed by most.
Another reason it’s so easy for most is because of the hectic pace of day-to-day life these days.  Everyone is stressed out and overwhelmed.  Given the opportunity to hop off the grid and chill out is usually eagerly embraced.

Prior to doing the formal hypnosis session I teach clients how to do self-hypnosis, my brand of self-meditation.  This not only empowers clients to be able to relax o their own power but makes it extra easy for them to then slide into the formal session.

Three steps to success with hypnosis:

1) Genuinely motivated to change
2) Willing and eager to be guided into hypnosis
3) Listen to MP3 sessions daily for at least 3 months

By: Paul Gustafson RN CH