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Jerry’s unexpected results

A 28yo client, Jerry, had interesting results from his hypnosis experience. His primary complaint was nail biting which had been a problem for as long as he could remember.  Jerry worked in a casino and had to present himself in a professional manner and his gruesome...

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A typical week

Hypnotherapy is an incredibly adaptive tool which can be used in many ways and offers relief for many of life’s daily challenges. My typical work week involves a wide array of clients with unique needs, and this week is no different. Here is a brief run down: a...

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Can I be hypnotized?

This is the most frequently asked question I get from prospective clients. My typical response is that ‘if you want to be hypnotized then that’s what will happen’. It’s not a battle of wills. We all have the natural ability to shift awareness from being fully awake...

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What does hypnosis feel like?

The experience of a hypnotic trance not so unusual or strange. To the contrary, it feels vaguely familiar to countless other moments in your life where you were absorbed in a zone, lost in thought, enthralled by bliss, or perhaps simply meditating. Meditation is...

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Paul Gustafson RN CH

paul gustafsonA Boston area Hypnotherapist, with 10 years of medical experience as an RN, Paul has been helping clients since 2001 to overcome everyday challenges. Read more
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Paul’s Book

buy on amazon Healthy Hypnosis: The Simple Truth and Practical Use Paul explains the A-B-C’s of clinical hypnosis and offers case studies and examples of actual client sessions. This is a must read for anyone interested in this fascinating technique.