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Visiting the mental gym
It doesn’t matter what your goal is, if you are as consistent with the solution as you were with the problem, some version of relief is in your future. I tell my clients all the time that repetion rules. Repetition causes our problems to become rooted and...
Finding a good hypnotist
In most states hypnosis is not a regulated profession which means that anyone could take a weekend seminar and call themselves a Hypnotist, so it is a good idea to go into the selection process with a game plan. The first step would be to find someone who is also a...
Conceive to achieve
Life is a long string of choices and how we imagine ourselves strongly influences the choices we make. The only limitations are those we self-impose. A phrase from the popular DVD The Secret sums it up perfectly, “thoughts become things.” If our most predominant...
Research: hypnosis effective for substance abuse
Intensive Therapy: Utilizing Hypnosis in the Treatment of Substance Abuse Disorders. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, Jul 2004 vol.47 (1):21-28. Potter G. This study examined 18 cases over the course of 7 years in which hypnosis was used in an attempt to assist...
Research: 90.6% smoke-free success rate
Of 43 consecutive patients undergoing this smoking cessation treatment protocol, 39 reported remaining abstinent at follow-up (6 months to 3 years post-treatment). This represents a 90.6% success rate using hypnosis. (Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2001 Jul;49(3):257-66.Barber...
Video: Sedating effect of hypnosis
The soothing sedation of hypnosis is good medicine for sleepless nights. [info]
Research: Exercise-food reward
A study published in the March 2012 issue of the Journal of Applied Physiology revealed the affect exercise has on regions of the brain associated with food reward. Researchers tested healthy young men and women who are habitually active by testing their reactions to...
Aerobic vs. resistance- which melts lbs?
A study by researchers in the UK found hunger hormones were affected differently depending on the type of exercise. Resistance training and aerobic exercise were compared in a small group of healthy males in which three 8-hour sessions monitored ghrelin and peptide YY...
Research: Sleep turns off obesity genes
Many are curious if their obesity is passed down.The heritability of obesity is a concept that points to genetics for the variation of weight in the population.Scientists have discovered a “fat mass and obesity associated” (FTO) gene that is strongly associated with...
Research: Lack of sleep and hunger
I remember my days working at Mass General Hospital and how many of my colleagues saw getting by on minimal sleep as a badge of honor . I talk about sleep with my weight loss clients and hear the same story. As Rodney Dangerfield might say "sleep gets no respect"....