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Hypnosis in acute care setting
Hypnosis is a great personal tool of empowerment. It is the gateway to the ever powerful subconscious mind which is the control center for all bodily function and can be used to maximize the physical and emotional response to a speedy recovery. With extensive...
It’s not mind control
The fear of relinquishing free will while hypnotized is a very common misconception that couldn’t be further from the truth. Hypnosis actually helps individuals tap into powerful inner resources they never knew they had. If sessions are not in line with ones values...
One word describes it best
The one word best describing hypnosis is mindfulness. By routinely descending into blissful hypnotic thought for the purpose of positive change, ones cognitive abilities become greatly enhanced. Individuals become much more aware of priorities and begin to clearly...
Why diets fail
Diets address the symptom not the problem. It’s not the weight but how we think that needs to be fixed. Diets are an intellectual, conscious level approach to problems which are rooted in the subconscious. It would be like just trimming back the weeds in your garden...
CBS News: Children do well with hypnosis
Children are often better candidates for hypnosis than adults, says one clinical psychologist, and the process can help resolve such problems as pain, anxiety, bed wetting, and asthma. Robert Shacter of New York's Mount Sinai School of Medicine talked about children...
Before it was called hypnosis
Animal magnetism was postulated by Franz Mesmer in the 18th century, the term referred to a supposed magnetic fluid or ethereal medium believed to reside in the body. Mesmer chose the word animal to distinguish his supposed vital magnetic force from those referred to...
Video: Benefits of fertility hypnosis
Hypnosis not only helps women deliver infants but also enables conception.
Goal-oriented meditation
For decades hypnosis has taken a bad rap due to endless myths and misconceptions like the accusations of mind control and the chicken clucking antics of stage hypnosis. The truth is that hypnosis was researched, validated and accepted by the AMA over 50 years ago as...
Quick disconnect
Hypnosis offers such a quick disconnect effect. I see so many clients who enter the office with the weight of the world on their shoulders. The don’t know me, they have never been to my office, and most know nothing about hypnosis besides the entertainment side of the...
Video: Karen Pischke RN on hypnosis
Karen Pischke RN runs Dreamtime Wellness in Gloucester, MA.