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Dangers of gastric band surgery
A gastric band, also called a lap band, is an inflatable silicone band surgically inserted around the top section of your stomach that creates a small pouch to restrict food intake. In 2007, about 25 to 30 percent of the more than 200,000 bariatric surgeries...
CNN: Man refuses surgery and drops 270 pounds
Moncks Corner, South Carolina (CNN) -- Bryan Ganey slowly climbed out of his parents' car. Michael and Martha Ganey had driven their son to work because he wasn't feeling well -- for the past couple of days, simple tasks had left him short of breath and exhausted. At...
Hypnosis in the hospital
Prior to becoming a Consulting Hypnotist I was a Registered Nurse and had the good fortune of working at the prestigious Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. My diverse acute care experience included the wide array people and problems on an extremely fast paced...
Altered States: hypnosis in mainstream medicine
Hypnosis, often misunderstood and almost always controversial, is increasingly being employed in mainstream medicine. Numerous scientific studies have emerged in recent years showing that the hypnotized mind can exert a real and powerful effect on the body. The new...
My first hypnosis experience
In 1990 I was in college and had to make a presentation. Public speaking had always paralyzed me with fear but there was no way around it this time. So I sought out a hypnotist and had 3 sessions. I did not know if it would really work until the day of the...
Research: Hypnosis for compulsive hair pulling
Trichotillomania, more commonly known as hair pulling, is classified as an impulse control disturbance. The condition generally begins in childhood and is found more commonly in females (3% of total female population) than men (1%). The most common area for hair...
Research on Hypnosis for Exam Anxiety
e-Cigarettes not so hot
Electronic cigarettes (also known as e-cigarettes) are battery-operated devices that often are designed to look, feel, and taste like tobacco cigarettes. These devices, which may be marketed to young people and sold as a safer alternative to smoking, contain nicotine,...
Research: 95% Ex-smokers swear by hypnosis
Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2004 Jan;52(1):73-81. Thirty smokers enrolled in an HMO were referred by their primary physician for treatment. Twenty-one patients returned after an initial consultation and received hypnosis for smoking cessation. At the end of treatment, 81% of...
Simple truth about hypnosis
Hypnosis is the simple, enjoyable way to establish positive lasting change in your life. All change starts with a simple thought and hypnosis transforms positive thoughts into action. All it takes for success is to have an open mind, and the desire to create positive...