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Study reports: Hypnosis for depression
If you are feeling depressed, you may want to consider working with a professional who offers hypnosis, according to a recent study appearing in the American Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy (AJCH). For this investigation, researchers conducted a meta-analysis of...
Study says hypnosis could tackle painkiller crisis
Hypnosis can reduce pain by up to 42% and may offer a genuine alternative to painkillers, according to UK researchers. They said their findings suggest that hypnotic intervention could deliver “meaningful pain relief for most people” and, therefore, may be an...
Hypnosis: grounded in science
Last summer, at age 14, Sue Jones suffered from stabbing pains in her abdomen that got so intense, "I couldn't walk." She spent three weeks in a wheelchair while doctors ruled out everything from digestive problems to appendicitis. Finally, after a four-night stay at...
Hypnobirthing: Calmer natural childbirth
When Anna Wall realized she was in labor with her son Luke, the 29-year-old first-time mom in Austin, Texas focused her breathing until she had hypnotized herself into a state of deep relaxation. Her eyes closed, she remained in deep hypnosis until delivering her baby...
Nearly everyone is hypnotizable
For 18 years I have heard how some people are not hypnotizable or that hypnosis just doesn’t work. This has not been my experience. First of all, effective hypnosis is a process of developing trust and co-operation. By establishing supportive rapport with clients have...
US NEWS: Can hypnosis help you lose weight?
Melissa Cipriana had no explanation left for why she couldn't lose weight. She avoided processed foods, “white” carbohydrates and soda. She attended SoulCycle classes religiously. And she certainly had discipline: She had already lost – and kept off for years – 50...
Alternative for chronic pain and opioid addiction
As lawmakers debate on bills that could impact the opioid crisis in Tennessee, people have been looking for alternative treatments to help with chronic pain and, in many cases, addiction. Steve Olson has been taking individual and group clinical hypnosis sessions at...
NY Times: Is hypnosis all in your head? Brain scans suggest otherwise
Hypnosis has become a common medical tool, used to reduce pain, help people stop smoking and cure them of phobias. But scientists have long argued about whether the hypnotic “trance” is a separate neurophysiological state or simply a product of a hypnotized person’s...
Research uncovers science of hypnosis
Some argue that hypnosis is just a trick. Others, however, see it as bordering on the paranormal – mysteriously transforming people into mindless robots. Now our recent review of a number of research studies on the topic reveals it is actually neither. Hypnosis may...
Video: Learning self-hypnosis
An easy, effective way to control how you feel and enhance success with your goals. [contact]